Some Dust Monitoring Data That Is Not Easily Available
Data of miscellaneous substances measured in density as per kg/m3, the substances include soils, metals, woods, and liquids.
The data obtained contains all various measurements of the materials or substances stated on this page. Some data that is not easily available is also included.
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The only link you will need to convert GPS coordinates to the different formats
Excellent humidity and moist air online calculators
1. (Page also available at Calculator for moist air)
2. (Page also available at Holsoft’s Physics Resources Pages)
3. (Page also available at Moisture in air)
Density Data
The specific gravity is calculated using a density of water of 997.6466 kg/m3.
SG = density of substance/997.6466.
Material | Specific Gravity | ||
Aluminium | cast | 2.569 | |
Aluminium | wrought | 2.681 | |
bronze | 7.787 | ||
Antimony | 6.712 | ||
Arsenic | 5.748 | ||
Bismuth | 9.827 | ||
From | 7.868 | ||
Brass | cast | to | 8.430 |
Average | 8.109 | ||
Brass | Muntz-metal | 8.221 | |
Brass | naval (rolled) | 8.510 | |
Brass | sheet | 8.462 | |
Brass | wire | 8.558 | |
From | 8.478 | ||
Bronze (gunmetal) |
to | 8.863 | |
Average | 8.735 | ||
Copper, | Cast | 8.622 | |
Copper | hammered | 8.927 | |
Copper | sheet | 8.815 | |
Copper | wire | 8.895 | |
Gold | (pure) | 19.316 | |
Gold | standard 22 carat fine (Gold 11, copper 1) | 17.502 | |
Iron | Cast | From | 6.904 |
to | 7.386 | ||
Average | 7.209 | ||
From | 7.547 | ||
Iron | Wrought | to | 7.803 |
Average | 7.707 | ||
Lead | cast | 11.368 | |
sheet | 11.432 | ||
Manganese | 8.012 | ||
Nickel | Cast | 8.285 | |
rolled | 8.687 | ||
Platinum | 21.516 | ||
Silver | 10.517 | ||
From | 7.820 | ||
Steel | to | 7.916 | |
Average | 7.868 | ||
Tin | 7.418 | ||
White metal | babbitt’s | 7.322 | |
Zinc | cast | 6.872 | |
sheet | 7.209 |
Woods (at 15 percent moisture content by mass.)
(As a general rule, solids and liquids are usually quoted by mass, while gasses are quoted by volume)
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density (kg/m3) |
Ash, European | 704.81 | Mahogany, African | 560.65 |
Beech, European | 720.83 | Mahogany Honduras | 544.63 |
Birch, European | 672.78 | Oak, American red | 784.90 |
Boxwood, European | 929.07 | Oak, American white | 768.89 |
Cork | 240.28 | Oak, English | 720.83 |
Ebony, Ceylon | 1185.37 | Pine, Yellow | 416.48 |
Greenheart | 1041.20 | Redwood (Scots Pine) | 512.59 |
Hornbeam | 768.89 | Teak | 656.76 |
Larch, European | 592.68 | Whitewood, European | 464.54 |
Lignum – vitae | 1249.44 |
Stones, Earths, etc.
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density (kg/m3) |
Asphaltum | 1025 – 1794 | Grindstone | 2146.47 |
Brick, common | 1601 – 2002 | Lime, quick | 832.96 |
Brick, fire | 2194 – 2402 | Limestones and marbles | 2402 – 2867 |
Cement, Portland | 1281 – 1441 | Mortar, hardened | 1409 – 1890 |
Clay | 1922 | Mud, dry and close | 1281 – 1762 |
Concrete | 1922 – 2242 | Mud, wet and fluid | 1665 – 1922 |
Earth | 1233 – 1922 | Sand, dry | 1409 – 1762 |
Glass, crown | 2498.88 | Sand, wet | 1890 – 2066 |
Glass, flint | 2995.45 | Sandstone | 2082 – 2723 |
Glass, plate | 2707.12 | Victoria stone (crushed) | 2306 |
Granite | 2627 – 2803 | granite, Portland |
2306 |
Gravel | 1441 – 2002 | cement, silica | 2306 |
Miscellaneous Substances
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density (kg/m3) |
Bone | 1906.20 | Ivory | 1874.16 |
Grain, barley | 640.74 | Lard | 948.29 |
Grain, oats | 528.61 | Leather | 961.11 |
Grain, wheat | 800.92 | Rosin | 1105.27 |
Guttapercha | 977.13 | Sulphur | 2002.31 |
Ice | 919.46 | Tallow | 929.07 |
Indiarubber | 929.07 | Wax | 969.12 |
Weights of Woods (dry wood)
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density(kg/m3) |
Alder | 528.6 | Elder | 640.7 |
Almond | 688.8 | Elm, American | 704.8 |
Greenheart | 1121.3 | Elm, Canadian | 720.8 |
Ash, American | 640.7 | Elm, Common | 672.8 |
Ash, European | 688.8 | Fir, Danzig | 608.7 |
Ash, Mountain | 688.8 | Fir, Riga | 576.7 |
balsa | 112.1/128.1 | Fir, silver | 480.6 |
Bamboo | 400.5 | Fir, Spruce | 480.6 |
Beech, common | 736.8 | Hackmatack | 624.7 |
Beech, Australian | 528.6 | Hazel | 624.7 |
Birch, American | 672.8 | Hickery | 800.9 |
Birch, English | 720.8 | Holley | 608.7 |
Boxwood, Cape | 833.0 | Hornbeam | 720.8 |
Boxwood, West Indian | 784.9 | Ironwood | 1201.4 |
Boxwood, Common | 1217.4 | Jarrah | 913.1 |
Cedar, Cuban | 448.5 | juniper | 592.7 |
Cedar, Virginian | 528.6 | Lancewood | 913.1 |
Cedar, Indian | 448.5 | Larch | 608.7 |
Cherry, American | 576.7 | Lignum-vitae | 1329.5 |
Cherry, English | 608.7 | Lime or Linden | 512.6 |
Chestnut, Sweet | 640.7 | Logwood | 913.1 |
Chestnut, Horse | 560.6 | Mahogany, East Indian | 688.8 |
Cocus | 1105.3 | Mahogany, Cuban | 752.9 |
Cogwood | 1073.2 | Mahogany, Australian | 1105.3 |
Cork | 96.1 | Mahogany, Spanish | 768.9 |
Cottonwood, American | 544.6 | Maple, Bird’s-eye | 576.7 |
Cypress | 480.6 | Maple, Hard | 672.8 |
Dogwood | 784.9 | Maple, Soft | 608.7 |
Ebony | 1169.3 | Oak, African | 945.1 |
Weights of Woods (dry wood) Continued…
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density(kg/m3) |
Oak, American | 720.8 | Rosewood | 881.0 |
Oak, Danzig | 833.0 | Satinwood | 929.1 |
Oak, English | 736.8 | Spruce | 480.6 |
Pine, Pitch | 704.8 | Sycamore | 640.7 |
Pine, Red | 544.6 | Teak | 800.9 |
Pine, White | 432.5 | Walnut | 656.8 |
Pine, Yellow | 528.6 | Whitewood | 528.6 |
Plane | 560.6 | Willow | 528.6 |
Poplar | 416.5 | Yew | 833.0 |
Weights of Some Liquids
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density(kg/m3) |
Acid, nitric (91%) | 1505.7 | Oils | 929.1 |
Acid, Sulphuric (87%) | 1794.1 | Paraffin | 897.0 |
Alcohol | 784.9 | Petrol | 881.0 |
Benzine | 736.8 | Petrol Refined | 800.9 |
Gasoline | 672.8 | Water, fresh | 993.1 |
Mercury | 13599.7 | Water, Salt | 1025.2 |
Weights of Some Metals
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density(kg/m3) |
Aluminium | 2579.0 | lead | 10988.7 |
Brass | 8329.6 | Nickel | 8794.1 |
Bronze | 8169.4 | Platinum | 21496.8 |
Copper | 8890.2 | Silver | 10492.1 |
Gold | 19302.2 | Steel | 7849.0 |
Gun-metal | 8650.0 | Tin | 7176.3 |
Iron, cast | 7208.3 | White-metal | 7368.5 |
Iron, Wrought | 7688.9 | Zinc | 7176.3 |
Weights of Some Soils
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density(kg/m3) |
Chalk | 2723.1 | Mud, Wet | 1922.2 |
Clay | 2162.5 | Sand, dry, loose | 1601.8 |
Earth, loose | 1201.4 | Sand, wet | 2082.4 |
Gravel | 1762.0 | Shale | 2563.0 |
Mud, dry | 1601.8 |
Density of Stones & Masonry
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density(kg/m3) |
Brick, pressed | 2402.8 | Lime mortar | 1681.9 |
Brick, common | 2002.3 | Limestone, comp’r’d | 2723.1 |
Brick, soft | 1601.8 | Limestone, granular | 2002.3 |
Brickwork | 1794.1 | Limestone, loose broken | 1521.8 |
Cement | 1441.7 | Limestone, walls | 2643.0 |
Concrete | 2242.6 | Marble | 2723.1 |
Concrete, reinforced | 2402.8 | Plaster of Paris | 2242.6 |
Concrete, coke breeze | 1441.7 | Rubble masonry | 2242.6 |
Flint | 2563.0 | Sandstone | 2402.8 |
Granite | 2723.1 | Sandstone, masonry | 2242.6 |
Lime | 961.1 | Slate | 2803.2 |
Density of some Miscellaneous Substances
Material | Density (kg/m3) | Material | Density(kg/m3) |
Anthracite, broken loose | 865.0 | Grain, Wheat | 768.9 |
Asbestos | 2995.5 | Grain, barley | 624.7 |
Asphalt | 1409.6 | Grain, Oats | 512.6 |
Coal, bituminous | 1361.6 | Hay & straw, in bales | 320.4 |
Coal, broken, loose | 800.9 | Ice | 913.1 |
Coke | 720.8 | salt | 720.8 |
Coke, loose | 480.6 | Sulphur | 2002.3 |
Flour | 6408.7 | White Lead | 3155.6 |
Glass, window | 2563.0 | Glass, flint | 3043.5 |
Lengths of some substances
Looking at your request in particular
1. Sand (See the particle table attached)
2. An Atom varies in size (see the other two attached pictures). Oxygen has a diameter of about 1.3 Angstrom (1X10^(-10) meters). You could line up 75 million oxygen atoms in a distance of 1 centimeter.
3. Paraffin fume also varies in diameter. But the best approximation would be the C4H10 molecule on the particle size table. Paraffin is any molecule with the formulae C(n)H(2n+2), with n =4 gives you C4H10. You can then approximate the diameter by adding the atomic diameters of each molecule, although there would be some inaccuracy as the molecules are not all in a straight line. Paraffin is usually made up of particles with n = 20 or more.
4. Size of Coffee Beans: I recommend buying some coffee beans and measuring the size with a ruler.
Visit this website for these densities –
styrofoam | 0.05 g/mL |
balsa wood | 0.16 g/mL |
cork | 0.25 g/mL |
charcoal | 0.40 g/mL |
pine | 0.55 g/mL |
snow | 0.56 g/mL |
gasoline | 0.66 g/mL |
maple | 0.72 g/mL |
oak | 0.80 g/mL |
ice | 0.92 g/mL |
olive oil | 0.92 g/mL |
water | 1.00 g/mL |
coal | 1.50 g/mL |
sugar | 1.59 g/mL |
bone | 1.70 g/mL |
table salt | 2.16 g/mL |
glass | 2.20 g/mL |
aluminum | 2.70 g/mL |
cement | 2.80 g/mL |
the Earth | 5.50 g/mL |
steel | 7.80 g/mL |
iron | 7.90 g/mL |
brass | 8.40 g/mL |
nickel | 8.90 g/mL |
silver | 10.50 g/mL |
lead | 11.34 g/mL |
mercury | 13.60 g/mL |
gold | 19.32 g/mL |
platinum | 21.40 g/mL |
Miscellaneous Information
IOL: Desert dust cuts mountain snow