Introduction to DustWatch cc – Dust Monitoring Northern Cape
The introduction of the Mine Health & Safety Act 1996 calls for the appointment of qualified practitioners at every operating mine and other non-operational mines where closure certificates have not been issued by the controlling authorities. The Occupational Hygiene and Environmental conditions to be monitored can be undertaken by an outside authority obviating the need for a full time appointment by the mine and therefore resulting in considerable cost saving.
It is probable that the Occupational Health and Safety Act revisions will similarly call for regular monitoring of occupational hygiene factors under the same conditions as those under the Mining regulations. With mining operations and industry being pinched by escalating costs and narrowing margins, the availability of an independent monitoring and occupational hygiene consultancy staffed by experienced qualified personnel to undertake routine inspections, annual audits and problem solving could offer substantial cost saving, design and supply service to all clients, monitoring of environmental conditions as well as system optimisation.
DustWatch cc
The company – DustWatch CC – commenced operations in June 2008, in Piketberg in the Swartland, Western Cape as an operation ideally suited to service mining and industrial concerns in the Cape West Coast and Swartland areas. Expansion of the operation into Namaqualand, Bushmanland, Botswana and Namibia has become a natural extension to the original target area and the client base extended to the entire country as well as the neighbouring countries. A Cape Town branch of DustWatch was opened in 2010.
The supply of our patented DustWatch fall-out dust monitoring equipment, assessment facilities and a full in-house laboratory service providing a service throughout South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi and Botswana. DustWatch CC controls sales of the units and systems, the servicing of client requirements, dust monitoring training, assessments and dust monitoring programs, in addition to the operation of an assessment laboratory servicing a countrywide client base.
As a company we strive to offer the best dust monitor service and training to our clients in the field of fallout dust monitoring.
With many years of experience and expertise we provide services and training at very competitive prices.
Our mission is to provide applicable and relevant information, services, equipment and products. Our Occupational Hygiene training course runs in the first and third week of each month. Our fall-out monitoring equipment training material is included in this Occupational Hygiene training course, but the training but can also be attended independently if this is required as a stand alone training.
We supply Buchner funnel laboratory equipment designed especially for use with the fall-out dust monitoring program and equipment. This laboratory equipment is durable and cost effective. We do not sell the Buchner equipment separately but supply it as part of our dust monitoring equipment system.
Our mission is to provide applicable and relevant information, services and products, pertaining to fall-out dust monitoring and dustfall monitoring equipment.
Follow the link for more information on our fallout dust monitoring systems