The introduction of the Mine Health & Safety Act 1996 calls for the appointment of qualified practitioners at every operating mine and other non-operational mines where closure certificates have not been issued by the controlling authorities. The Occupational Hygiene and Environmental conditions to be monitored can be undertaken by an outside authority obviating the need for a full time appointment by the mine and therefore resulting in considerable cost saving.
It is probable that the Occupational Health and Safety Act revisions will similarly call for regular monitoring of occupational hygiene factors under the same conditions as those under the Mining regulations. With mining operations and industry being pinched by escalating costs and narrowing margins, the availability of an independent monitoring and occupational hygiene consultancy staffed by experienced qualified personnel to undertake routine inspections, annual audits and problem solving could offer substantial cost saving, design and supply service to all clients, monitoring of environmental conditions as well as system optimisation.
DustWatch cc
The company – DustWatch CC – commenced operations in June 2008, in Piketberg in the Swartland, Western Cape as an operation ideally suited to service mining and industrial concerns in the Cape West Coast and Swartland areas. Expansion of the operation into Namaqualand, Bushmanland, Botswana and Namibia has become a natural extension to the original target area and the client base extended to the entire country as well as the neighbouring countries. A Cape Town branch of DustWatch was opened in 2010.
The supply of our patented DustWatch fall-out dust monitoring equipment, assessment facilities and a full in-house laboratory service providing a service throughout South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi and Botswana. DustWatch CC controls sales of the units and systems, the servicing of client requirements, dust monitoring training, assessments and dust monitoring programmes, in addition to the operation of an assessment laboratory servicing a countrywide client base.
Dust Monitoring Links
About Dust Monitoring Equipment
— Buchner Funnel Laboratory Equipment
— Fallout Dust
Aims of Dust Monitoring
Air pollution and child development
Air Quality – Air Quality Cape Town – Air Quality South Africa – Air Quality Western Cape
Air Quality Analysis
Air Quality and Ventilation Hygiene
Air Quality Maintenance – Air Quality Maintenance Cape Town – Air Quality Maintenance Northern Cape – Air Quality Maintenance South Africa – Air Quality Maintenance Western Cape
Air Quality Maintenance in Agriculture
Air Quality Maintenance in Industry
Air Quality Maintenance in Mining
Air Quality Testing – Air Quality Testing South Africa – Air Quality Testing Cape Town – Air Quality Testing Western Cape
Airborne Dust
Airborne Dust Analysis – South Africa – Western Cape – Cape Town
Airborne Dust Monitoring – South Africa – Western Cape – Cape Town
Airborne Dust Sampling
Airborne Particulate Capture – South Africa – Western Cape – Cape Town
Airborne Pollutants
Airborne Pollutants Monitoring Systems – South Africa – Western Cape – Cape Town
Atmospheric Particulate Matter and Respirable Dust Monitoring
Büchner Funnel
Buchner Funnel Laboratory Equipment Cape Town, Northern Cape, South Africa, Southern Africa, Western Cape
Construction Site Dust Control
Construction Site Dust Monitoring – Cape Town, Northern Cape, Western Cape
Controlling Dust at a Construction Site
Daily Dust Analysis – South Africa – Western Cape – Cape Town
Daily Dust Analysis for Industry
Daily Dust Analysis for Mining
Determination and Location of Windblown Dust Sources
Dust Buckets
Dust Buckets Cape Town, Gauteng, Northern Cape, South Africa, Southern Africa, Western Cape
Dust Control Design
Dust Control South Africa
Dust Fallout
Dust Fallout Analysis
Dust Fallout and Analysis
Dust Fallout and Analysis Cape Town, for Mining, Northern Cape, South Africa, Western Cape
Dust Fallout Bucket System – Cape Town, Gauteng, South Africa, Western Cape
Dust Fallout Cape Town, Coal Mining, Diamond Mining, Free State, Gauteng, Gold Mining, Mining, North West, Northern Cape, Open Pit Mining, South Africa, Western Cape
Dust Fallout Monitoring
Dust Monitoring Device
Dust Monitoring Equipment – Northern Cape, South Africa, Western Cape
Dust Monitoring Equipment Services
Dust Monitoring Equipment Training Course Time Table
Dust Monitoring FAQ
Dust Monitoring for Agriculture
Dust Monitoring for Industry
Dust Monitoring for Mining
Dust Monitoring Legislation
Dust Monitoring Methods
Dust Monitoring Northern Cape
Dust Monitoring Services for Open Pit Mining
Dust Monitoring South Africa
Dust Monitoring System
Dust Monitoring System for Agriculture
Dust Monitoring System for Mining
Dust Monitoring System Gauteng
Dust Monitoring System South Africa
Dust Monitoring Training
— Dust Definitions
— Dust Monitoring Data
— Papers and Publications
— What is Dust
Dust Monitoring Training Cape Town, Gauteng, North West, Northern Cape, South Africa, Western Cape
Dust Monitoring Training Course Handout
Dust Monitoring Western Cape
Dust Particles and Lower Explosive Limits
Dust Sampling Equipment – Cape Town , Northern Cape, South Africa, Western Cape
Dustfall Cape Town, Northern Cape, South Africa, Western Cape
Dustfall Monitoring
Environmental Consulting
Environmental Dust Monitoring
Environmental Practitioners – Cape Town, Western Cape
Ergonomic Issues
Fall-out Particulate Monitoring
Fallout Dust Mining
Fallout Dust Monitoring Services – Africa, South Africa
Fallout Dust Monitoring South Africa, Western Cape
Fallout Dust Monitoring Training
Fallout Dust South Africa
First Aid in Snakebite
How air pollution impacts your body
How Do You Measure Dust
How does vegetation affect fall-out dust?
How far do dust particles travel?
How is Dust Pollution Measured
Industrial Hygiene Air Sampling
Industrial Hygiene Dust Monitoring
Inhalable Particulate Matter
Köhler and Fleck Dust Monitoring Article
Measuring Dust
Mine Dust Monitoring Equipment
Mine Health and Safety
Mine Health and Safety South Africa
Mining Dust Control
Mining Dust Monitoring
Mining Dust Monitoring South Africa
Monthly Dust Analysis
National Dust Control Regulations
National Dust Control Regulations South Africa
New Dust Monitoring Technology
New dust-monitoring technology developed
Occupational and Hygiene Audits
Occupational and Hygiene Audits South Africa
Occupational Health
Occupational Health and Safety – Cape Town, South Africa, Western Cape
Occupational Hygiene
Occupational Hygienists – South Africa, Western Cape
Open Pit Mining Dust Monitoring
Particle Settling Rate Determination
PM10 and Respirable Dust Monitoring
PM10 and Respirable Dust Monitoring South Africa
PM10 Particulate Monitor
PM10 Particulate Monitor South Africa
PM10 Particulate Monitoring Equipment
PM10 Particulate Monitoring Services
PM10 Suspended Particulate Matter
Practical Determination and Location of Windblown Dust Sources and how to Establish a Good Monitoring Program
Single Bucket Units
South African Dust Control Regulations
Stof Monitering Kaapstad, Suid Afrika, Wes Kaap
Stof Monitering Toerusting
Stof Monitering Toerusting Suid Afrika
Suspended Particulate Matter
Suspended Particulate Matter Definition
The effect of heavy & sustained rains on fallout dust monitoring
Type USA Unit
Ventilation Engineers – Cape Town, South Africa
Ventilation Hygiene
Ventilation Hygienists – Cape Town, South Africa, Western Cape
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What is Dust Monitoring