Dust fallout monitoring is a legal requirement under National Environmental Management Act, 1998. The act refers to the fact that the gazette must be used to set the standards. [Section 9(1)]. The gazettes are published with subsequent gazettes providing amendments to the standards.
If the dust levels measured are above the specified limits then engineering solutions need to be implemented to decrease the fall-out dust levels.
There are many factors that effect fall-out dust namely:
Rainfall: because dust is attracted to the water vapour in the atmosphere and it then precipitates along with the rain.
Wind: because dust is carried by the wind and will only fall-out when there is absolutely no wind.
Geographical features or any other factors that could influence the rainfall or the wind: for reasons mentioned above.
Pollens and small insects: because these add to the dust levels and precipitate out in the same way.
The most influential factors are “dusty activities”: such as dropping material from a conveyor onto a pile without considering the fall height. These and countless other activities are necessary in the mining and other industries.
The challenge, once dust problems are detected, is to engineer them away.
Generally finer suspended dust (Greater than 0µm and less than 10µm) will remain airborne almost indefinitely due to the dynamic nature of the air currents and thermal activities on any given day, even if there is no wind at all. Particulate larger than this range will settle on a very still day and this material can be collected.
The unit that we use to capture this dust is the DustWatch, designed and patented in South Africa by Gerry Kuhn Environmental .
We offer the full service package or parts of the package as the client requires. We will also assist in getting existing fall-out monitoring systems up and running again. Obviously the full package allows the client to sit back and receive a report every month regarding their fall-out dust.
Contact us for more information on Dust Fallout.
As a company we strive to offer the best dust monitor service and training to our clients in the field of fallout dust monitoring.
With many years of experience and expertise we provide services and training at very competitive prices.
Our mission is to provide applicable and relevant information, services, equipment and products. Our Occupational Hygiene training course runs in the first and third week of each month. Our fall-out monitoring equipment training material is included in this Occupational Hygiene training course, but the training but can also be attended independently if this is required as a stand alone training.
We supply Buchner funnel laboratory equipment designed especially for use with the fall-out dust monitoring programme and equipment. This laboratory equipment is durable and cost effective. We do not sell the Buchner equipment separately but supply it as part of our dust monitoring equipment system.