Towards developing an integrated geometallurgical modelling framework of the minerals beneficiation chain
Early integration of sustainability decisions into the design of the minerals beneficiation flowsheet offers greater potential for reducing environmental impacts at mining and processing sites. The objective of this study is to demonstrate how integration of sustainability indicators and mineralogical attributes can be achieved in minerals processing flowsheet modelling.
A methodology for achieving this integration is proposed in this study. An existing integrated mineral processing unit model that incorporates parameters that capture the effect of variation in process feed stream mineralogical attributes on model outputs, is developed to output sustainability indicators. The effect of ore variability on overall process performance indicators is determined and a set of potential environmental outputs is identified. A set of sustainability indicators that vary with changes in feed ore mineralogy is defined and rated, based on the model outputs.
Edson Charikiya
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr Edson Charikinya completed his PhD degree from Stellenbosch University in 2015. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Cape Town, Chemical Engineering Department under Minerals to Metals beneficiation signature theme. His current and future research interests are focused around the area of sustainable mining practices.
An Integrated Modelling Framework
As the mining industry is shifting to more complex operation conditions to accommodate the growing demand for their product and increasing pressure from the more environmentally aware public, new ways of solving these issues will arise from a different angle. A common way to view the mining industry is as an extractive process for a defined timespan. But new technology and modern views on economy introduces us to concepts like circular economy. Here the Mining industry plays a role as a key stakeholder. And new opportunities for mining is on the rise, such as urban mining. Where the mining is a more integrated part of society and have to exist in a more continuous fashion.
The work aims to provide insight in the beneficiation process of a specific plant, to do this a model of the comminution circuit is constructed which contains mineral data such as particle size distribution(PSD) and grindability of the feed, this will run through the model and later be incorporated into the flotation circuits. Where more parameters can be applied and incorporated. This will provide expandability and flexibility where more parts of the beneficiation process is accounted for. This computer model of the beneficiation chain shows the results from a helicopter perspective and can be used for broader understanding and as a wider base for decision making.
Fredrik Axelsson
Visiting Student
I am born and raised in Sweden. Ever since I started my studies in Luleå I wanted to do part of it abroad to get the opportunities to meet and share with people from different countries and cultures. To my great surprise I landed in South Africa.
Towards the development of an integrated modelling framework using mineralogy
The minerals industry is currently facing numerous multifaceted challenges spanning the techno-economic, environmental and social spheres. The adoption of sustainability thinking is a holistic approach to addressing these challenges and their relative interactions, rather than just focusing on individual issues. The ability to do so requires an integrated modelling framework that incorporates mineralogy, so that the effect of ore complexity and variability on one or more of these factors can be simultaneously evaluated and optimised.
The objective of this study is to demonstrate how an integrated modelling framework can contribute in achieving some of the sustainability principles. A case study of a poly-metallic sulfide ore is presented in terms of predicting both metallurgical performance (flotation grade and recovery) and selected environmental indicators (acid rock drainage potential). The framework uses a combination of simple flotation models, theoretical mineralogical predictions, and the element to mineral conversion (EMC) methodology. The framework provides a conceptual starting point for a new approach to traditional process mineralogy studies.
Sithembiso Ntlhabane
MSc Chemical Engineering
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, who actually strive to do the deeds, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without shortcoming.”- Theodore Roosevelt
Minerals to Metals Symposium 2016
Dust Monitoring Equipment – providing equipment, services and training in dust fallout management to the mining industry.
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